
BlueTooth using HC-06 and Arduino

After many researches on the net, finally found how to work with HC-06 BT module with MacBook Pro, sending back and forth data between my laptop and the Arduino Uno. Be sure it won’t work with your iPhone/iPad, to do so you need HM-10 or 11 type (check datasheet). Great and easy to find freeware « CoolTerm » for serial emulation.

Add bluetooth to your Arduino project – Arduino+HC-06

Tutorial – Using HC06 Bluetooth to Serial Wireless UART …

Don’t mess up with HC-05, module look the same but are quite different. Caution HC-06 is only slave functionning.

Hope those tips will help you stop wasting time.

Contact me for further detail on Twitter @MadeInFck or

CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 BlueTooth using HC-06 and Arduino par MadeInFck est sous Licence Creative Commons Internationale Attribution-Pas d'utilisation Commerciale-Partage à l'identique 4.0 .

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