
Create your own logo with help or as a maker !

I’ve been wanting to have my own logo for a long time. But unfortunately I don’t have any skills in art & design. And as I was reading my Twitter feed, this tweet caught my attention. From here, I had two options:

  • First design something I like using those sites that make it very easy to design a logo. Buy it. And that’s over.
  • Or take ideas from those sites and try to do it my own way.

As a maker, you know I chose the second option. And here I am, adjusting my layers to build my own logo. As already said, I have not artistic skills so I kept a simple idea. But that’s fine.

CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Create your own logo with help or as a maker ! par MadeInFck est sous Licence Creative Commons Internationale Attribution-Pas d'utilisation Commerciale-Partage à l'identique 4.0 .

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