
DIY Laser Infrared Thermometer

IR thermometer
IR thermometer

In many situations, you may need toknow the temperature of a machine, a surface, whatever you like but avoiding any contact. This is exactly what this tuto will teach you. Want to build yourself a laser and IR thermometer, following lines will tell you everything how to do so.

Interested by this item, I found a nice set up @Instructables. As this was also the right moment to test my new 3D printer, an Alfawise U20 One. And as I was not very pleased by the print I got from the tuto from Instructables, I decided to train my skills to design my own box case using Fusion360. All the files designed and used, being the code or the .stl files to be printed can be found here on GitHub.

What you need:

Specific parts I bought, mainly from Bangood in order to get my handmade laser and IR thermometer :

Now sketch it !

Once you received these part from your favorite retailer, here’s what the sketch looks like:

Many parts to assemble

As a start, check below what the lower cases look like after assembling a few parts. Here, a hot glue gun is very useful and can be found easily and inexpensively from Banggood as well. One may now understand easily why those little brass knurled threaded insert will be useful. When your battery is down (9 volts here), just unscrew and replace. An interesting option could be to power the device with 18650 battery via a charging module.

A post treatment was necessary on one side of the bottom case. Don’t forget to do it before sticking the push button switch.

Main lower case with the push button switch, post treated with surface smoothing solution
What’s inside !
From outside

At last, let’s now get on our way with the Arduino Nano. There’s not that much space inside the case so we have to solder everything before assembling the 3 parts. For easier time, you may choose to use a PCB. You may get the gerber files here on github. I’ve designed this PCB with EasyEDA and then ordered 5 of these at JLCPCB. No sponsoring here, just the second time I order my PCBs there. Quality is very good, price is nice, delivery delays are acceptable (1 month, even during the Covid crisis) and delivery fees are acceptable (I di order several schemes at the same times to make those fees even more acceptable). And cherry on the cake, their package always come with a gift inside, much appreciated.

And in the end, here’s what you get:

To have an idea of how it behaves, have a look at the video below:

IR thermometer in action !

CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 DIY Laser Infrared Thermometer par MadeInFck est sous Licence Creative Commons Internationale Attribution-Pas d'utilisation Commerciale-Partage à l'identique 4.0 .

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