Improved energy management for movement detector
In a previous article, I was proposing a sketch for an alarm using a movement detector. As I plan to design a full alarm with several devices, I tested it. Conclusion : powering it with a 9V battery 200mAH, it only lasted for 12 hours. Not enough for an alarm designed to last at least 1 month (aim I chose).
Indeed the energy consumption of of the Arduino board (Uno or Nano or whichever) is quite high. I advise to read this article that explains that in detail.Now should be around 35mA. I’ll keep posted with the result as I’m experimenting the sketch writing those lines.
Improved energy management for movement detector par MadeInFck est sous Licence Creative Commons Internationale Attribution-Pas d'utilisation Commerciale-Partage à l'identique 4.0 .