Make your device keep his track using GPS data !

As usual, RuiSantosdotme published a pretty good tutorial on his site dealing with GPS used in serial mode with an Arduino board.

I personally bought one of the GPS for sale on Banggood site. It works exactly the same. The GPS device suggested by Rui Santos is also available, a few cents more but no big deal. Choice is yours and GPS data messages sent back by those module are similar. Moreover the library used works with all those modules : TinyGPS++, easy to use and powerful to extract quickly relevant information.

If you want to buy a GPS module, you should carefully check its characteristics. According to me, two things are important.

  • First, you need to take care of the position of the antenna relatively to the module. It can be directly on the circuit board or in a remote way. Think ahead of the project you would use it for and the installation of both the pcb and the antenna to ease the reception of the signal;
  • Then, to keep up with the ephemeris update, you’d better choose a module including a battery. Doing so, you’ll get your device working faster.

Your turn to now dive into navigation using GPS data. Don’t hesitate to keep me posted with your works.

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CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Make your device keep his track using GPS data ! par MadeInFck est sous Licence Creative Commons Internationale Attribution-Pas d'utilisation Commerciale-Partage à l'identique 4.0 .

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